Culling crocodiles is not the answer

Given recent events in Australia, we at CrocAttack feel that it is important to clarify the aim of this project and where we stand on the subject of culling. The CrocAttack database was created to aid in mitigating human-crocodile conflict in a way that benefits both humans and crocodilians. This is NOT a project that was designed to demonize crocodilians or advocate for culling. Australia's Northern Territory likely holds what is currently the largest population of saltwater crocodiles (Crocodylus porosus) throughout the entire range of the species, numbering between 100,000 and 150,000 non-hatchlings. This is a population that has almost fully recovered from nearly reaching extinction during the 1960s, it is NOT overpopulated. Overpopulation is not an issue for saltwater crocodiles (as well as most other apex predators) since they are kept in check by prey availability, high hatchling mortality rates, etc.

Despite the healthy size of this population, there has not been a fatal attack in the NT since 2018. This is the longest the NT has gone without a fatal attack since the 1990s. Why? Because the previous crocodile management plan was working perfectly. It was the perfect compromise between conservation and management. It allowed for a regulated and sustainable egg harvest, as well as the removal of crocodiles from heavily populated areas, such as Darwin City. Now, for reasons that are likely political, a new management plan has been approved that allows for the number of crocodiles harvested to be quadrupled, from 300 annually to 1200. In addition, the possibility of trophy hunting is currently being discussed. All of this has been approved in the name of "increasing public safety", despite the fact that it may actually increase the risk of attack. This "cull" of the population may actually lull the public into a false sense of security.