Crocodilian Warning Signs

These are 'warning signs' that are placed in areas of crocodilian habitat, particularly where attacks have occurred in the past. Such signs have proven useful in some areas, though people sometimes disregard the signs as scare tactics or ignore them entirely. Whether such warnings are heeded may depend on cultural and economic factors. In some areas the need for access to freshwater is likely to surpass the risks associated with obtaining the water. Even so, they can be useful. Importantly, it may be useful to use more intimidating photos of crocodiles in the warning signs. In Sri Lanka, for example, reports of attacks along the Nilwala River decreased following the erection of warning signs with a "scary" looking very large saltwater crocodile (Crocodylus porosus) on them, replacing the previous signs that had a rather non-threatening, sub-adult American crocodile (C. acutus) on them. While we cannot be certain this played a role in attack reductions (or if attacks went unreported), it is interesting nonetheless. The following are some examples of crocodilian warning signs from around the world.

The aforementioned saltwater crocodile warning sign along the Nilwala River in Sri Lanka.
Saltwater crocodile warning sign at Shady Camp along the Mary River in the Top End of Australia's Northern Territory. This site has some of the highest male saltwater crocodile densities in the world and is also the location of frequent irresponsible human behavior, as is evident in the photo!
A sign warning of American crocodiles in La Manzanilla, Jalisco, Mexico.
Saltwater crocodile warning sign along the Maubesi Mangroves in Malaka, West Timor.
A sign warning of Morelet's crocodiles (C. moreletii) along Laguna Carpintero in Tampico, Tamualipas, Mexico. Laguna Carpintero has been the site of multiple human fatalities and numerous injuries over the past decade. Surprising behavior for the Morelet's crocodile, but not entirely unprecedented. 
Erection of saltwater crocodile warning sign in the Philippines. Thanks to Rainier Manalo for providing the photo.