About this site

The worldwide crocodilian attack database was started in 2010 by Brandon Sideleau. Its online presence was launched in 2013 at a website known as CrocBITE, which has since been discontinued. CrocAttack is the new home of the worldwide crocodilian attack database. As of April 2024 the project has amassed over 8,500 crocodilian attack records, more than half of which are from the past decade. Historical records dating back to the 18th century are included, though the quality and quantity of data quickly diminishes prior to 2010.

What's in the database?

Reports of attacks (fatal and non-fatal) by wild crocodilians on humans. It is important to note that sometimes it is impossible to be certain that a crocodilian was or wasn't responsible for a human death, such as when I person goes missing and remains are later found in a crocodilian's jaws or stomach. In these cases, we collect the most detailed information possible in order to make a decision. Ultimately, if local residents believe the incident was a crocodilian attack and there is no possible way to confirm one way or the other (such as when the victim is immediately buried after being recovered), we will add the incident to the database. Why? Because it is of conservation significance. If the local people believe it was a crocodilian attack and we cannot convince them otherwise, this is likely to have a negative impact on crocodilian conservation in the region. Thankfully, in most cases it is possible to be fairly certain.

What's not in the database?

Attacks involving captive crocodilians or non-fatal bites on employees or volunteers engaging in work related to crocodilians (e.g., park rangers, egg collectors, etc.), since these incidents are of no conservation or management significance. In Florida, for example, rangers and trappers are frequently bitten by alligators. Such incidents are not included in the database. There are exceptions- if a ranger or trapper, for example, were to be killed by a wild crocodilian, that incident would be included in the database. In addition, attacks on livestock and pets are not included. Provoked incidents involving the general public and wild crocodilians ARE included and are labeled as such.